
Chernobyl Diaries: Cities:Skylines is a hobby project with a goal to recreate a part of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Cities:Skylines.

The project imagines Chernobyl somewhere in the early 90s, as if it was never evacuated, but still slightly overgrown and unmaintained.
Most structures that were built after 1986 are included, with an exception of the New Safe Confinement, which construction began in 2006.

The project varies in terms of resemblance to real life, with some parts copied very acurately using Google Earth, Google Street View, archive photographs and videos, as well as hundreds of current photos taken by visitors to the Zone (including myself).
In other parts, that are not documented well, or are not particularly interesting I gave myself some creative freedom.

This blog is supposed to be a place for updates on the project as well as a gallery of the most interesting parts of the Zone.