
  1. 81 Tiles – obviously to fit the whole region onto the map.
  2. Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance – some assets (like large cranes, which are crucial part of the landscape) had no LOD and kept disappearing too soon.
  3. Advanced Toolbar – I have ~1300 assets, so this was necessary to easily navigate trough them.
  4. Advanced Vehicle Options (AVO) – to remove vanilla vehicles (nearly completely) and to increase bus capacity to realistic values (from 30 to 130 in some cases)
  5. Any Road Outside Connections – some roads that leave the map are not highways (and I’m not sure I could make a connection with the two way highway, anyway)
  6. No Buoys Mod – I have a ferry going from Prypiat to Chernobyl and buoys look dumb.
  7. Catenary Replacer – vanilla catenaries didn’t quite look the part, so I replaced them with German ones, only to later on remove them completely (I will add them later on with the prop line tool).
  8. Clouds & Fog Toggler – clouds were slightly annoing when building and the edge fog needed to be removed in order to build near the very edges of the map.
  9. Configure Outside Connections’ Limits – to limit the dummy traffic that just went from one connection to the other.
  10. CSL Show More Limits – just in case I get any close to prop or agent limit (not even close right now).
  11. Cubemap Replacer – because it’s much prettier.
  12. Daylight Classic – required by Cubemap Replacer and also the sun position is incorrect when in default mode.
  13. Decal Hover Area – to remove that slight annoyance.
  14. Decal Prop Fix – I use a lot of large decals.
  15. Dropouts – Chernobyl has a lot of industry and a lot of schools, so this mod helps me get the workers with appropriate education levels.
  16. Dynamic Resolution – I run it on 150%, to make things look nicer. I bump it up to 300% for screenshot time.
  17. Extra Landscaping Tools – to help me landscape.
  18. Find It! – again, 1300 assets.
  19. Fine Road Anarchy and Fine Road Tool – for that extra control on roads.
  20. Flood Damage Control [BETA] – I didn’t realize floods destroyed buildings until my docks disappeared.
  21. Force Level Up – required by Plop the Growables.
  22. Less Steam – to reduce that bit of unnecessary network traffic.
  23. Loading Screen Mod [Test] – 10 GBs of assets in under 1 minute.
  24. Mesh Info – Some asstes I download are not optimized, so I use this mod to control the strain on my pc.
  25. More Beautification – this should be Vanilla.
  26. More Network Stuff – I needed to draw the ship paths in-game.
  27. Move It! – this is the absolute basic must-have.
  28. Network Extensions 2 – I use the smallest roads and zonable pedestrian roads across the map.
  29. Network Skins (Mass Transit compatible) - it was very important to remove the street lights – most of the national roads across eastern Europe are not illuminated. Also, the vanilla lights are quite boring.
  30. No Abandonment – I’m trying to build Chernobyl, but not an abandoned one.
  31. No Deathcare – for the time of building to reduce the annoyance. I will think of turning it off later
  32. No Radioactive Desert And More! – to get rid of the ground pollution (I know, Chernobyl, right?) and to let the trees grow on the river banks
  33. No Seagulls – no comment
  34. One-Way Train Tracks – some stations use this
  35. OverLayer v2 – to lay over the satellite image when building
  36. Plop the Growables – some assets don’t come in RICO flavor. Also, there are some cool vanilla industry building I can use
  37. Ploppable Asphalt – for detailing purposes
  38. Ploppable RICO [UPDATED] – I plop all the buildings on the map
  39. Precision Engineering – for extra control
  40. Prefab Hook (Mod Dependency) – required by some mods
  41. Prop & Tree Anarchy – to allow detailing
  42. Prop it Up! 1.3.0 – to replace vanilla trees
  43. Prop Line Tool [PLT] (vAlpha) – detailing purposes
  44. Prop Precision – detailing purposes
  45. Prop Remover – some vanilla buildings look good without all the unnecessary crap
  46. Prop Snapping – to snap props on top of things
  47. Quay Anarchy – in case I need any quays
  48. Random Tree Rotation – to make trees more natural
  49. Remove Need For Power Lines – probably to be turned off later in the process
  50. Remove Road Props – mainly to get rid of roadsigns
  51. Remove Street Arrows – most roads in Chernobyl don’t have them
  52. Service Vehicle Selector 2 (r3.1.0) – I don’t think I use it now – will investigate
  53. Sharp Textures – for that extra crispness
  54. Ship Path Anarchy – the river is quite narrow in some parts and wouldn’t allow me to place the path
  55. SingleTrainTrackAI – the rail line going trough Chernobyl Zone is a single two-way track, so my trains kept getting stuck opposite each other
  56. Softer Shadows – vanilla is ugly
  57. Sub-Buildings Enabler (DEPRECATED) – some mods still require it, so I went with it
  58. Surface Painter – this should be vanilla as well
  59. Traffic Manager: President Edition – I mostly use the lane connector and yield rules
  60. Unlimited Money (Vanilla) – obviously
  61. Unlimited Oil and Ore (Vanilla
  62. Unlimited Soil (Vanilla)
  63. Unlimited Outside Connections (Beta) – around 13 connections across the map
  64. Unlock All (Vanilla)